If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug a camera around 
Lewis Hine
Luis Ramirez is a Colombian artist who circulates between various fields of the artistic/photographic, editorial and social/cultural production. Graduated in photography and graphic design from the Universidad of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, he works generally focused on social and aesthetic problematics, conducting research and then taking them to the artistic/photographic level. Most of his work deals with violence and identity in Colombia, as well as other realities like immigration in the North of America and the current beauty canons.
He considers himself a very versatile professional by not only focusing on certain areas of photography but on the contrary, he is a lover of approaching the profession from its very varied and different perspectives. 
Currently he is performing a book about social identity of Bogota (Bogotipia project)  and working in the Venezuelan Exodus 
His research and artistic production is oriented towards the use of art as an element of social construction.
• 2014 Artos exhibition in the gallery ''Casa común'' Series: More than evident more than invisible. https://www.facebook.com/espaciocasaco- mun/?fref=ts
• 2015 exhibition in ''Primer Salón Universitario De Fotografía''  (Espacio Odeon)  Series: ‘‘More than evident, more than invisible’’ ‘‘El lado oscuro’’. http://salonuniversitario.com
• 2015 exhibition in biennale of art of Venetia  Flashes from Colombia, ImagoMundi , foundation Luciano Benetton Collection, Italy, photo of the series: More than evident, more than invisible (the dark side)  http://www.imagomundiart.com/artworks/luis-eduardo-ramirez-benavides- ower- pot-series-dark-side
• 2017 Tercer salón universitario de fotografía (Espacio Odeon). Series: Bogotípia. https://www.you- tube.com/watch?v=vT9KuC50qD8 http://salonuniversitario.com
• 2018 The Transeunt, collective exhibition with other artists. Series ''Bogotípia''. 2018. https://www.instagram.com/eltranseunt/?hl=en (http://laloram.com/bogotipia.html)
• 2021 Arte en resistencia, collective exhibition with other artists. Series: ‘‘More than evident, more than invisible’’ https://arteenresistencia.org/project/1087985/

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