According to various media, the Colombian army has killed more than 10,000 civilians since 1988, disguising them as guerrillas killed in combat, although the phenomenon called "false positives" rose in 2006. More than 90% of the cases are today unpunished

At least 82 people were victims of ocular injuries during the national strike due to the systematic attacks of the police in 2021 in Colombia

Photography allusive to a famous ritual of torture in the period known as '' The Violence'' in Colombia in the latest 40s named ''Flower pot'' which it consists in maim legs and arms out of the body, make a hole in the stomach area, and then put arms and legs inside of it.

In the interview that i did to my grandmother, i asked her about an element or a situation that she remembered the most about her experiences in the period called ''La Violencia'' (a political period of violence in the latest 40s and 50s) When she lost all her family who were burned alive by supporters of some political party. She answered me that even today she can see in her mind, the executions of people with machete and that when there were a lot of corps the put the guts out and tied up the bodies with it .

This is a photography allusive to a story from an interview of an ex guerrilla member, he told me the worst thing that he has lived in the Guerrilla. There was some kid in a little town who wanted to be a Guerrilla member, he try to stop him, he did not want him to make that mistake but for some circumstances after a lot of time the were together in a combat with the army, there was a bombing where this little kid died in the arms of this Guerrilla member. After that he decided to run away from the criminal group and start a new life ( He joined the Guerrilla with the intention of teach the people there about how to write and read, suddenly he was trapped there with no easy way out.
The Colombian territory has always been involved in abuse, impunity, and violence since the arrival of the European world to its coasts, a place where new ways of thinking and all kind of lies has been imposed at the expense of the blood of lots of people just for the benefit of a few. It is hard to understand the magnitude of the indifference that exists in the entire country, from big cities to little towns. What is really true is that sometimes things are so evident to us, that the fact of these been in front of our noses turns them invisible so we ignore them in their entirety.
The problem of indifference is linked to an absence of national identity. Also to the inability to see each other as equals and see the deaths of some as heroes and others as monsters, but the reality is that the line between victim and perpetrator is so thin… makes you wonder, what other choice have the boys and girls of rural areas abandoned by the government? Because of this, it is necessary to understand that all of us are affected by this conflict, either in a direct or indirect way, this is a problem that all the Colombians should feel as their own.
This is a photographic series with iconic elements of the Colombian conflict, in a very broad context, from the violence in the Colonial time to the Guerrilla and drug violence. All of these are related to stories and testimonies I found out on interviews through the research stage of this project.
These photos are intended to create a new way of thinking and approaching, to these kind of themes that are ignored and that should be understood by all Colombians as a society, mostly, if we are willing and expecting to solve all the problems that we are going through in our present.

Explosive mines are a really hard reality for a lot of people of some rural areas in Colombia. Today the statistics show 11.498 victims of this artifacts in Colombia.

''The Colombian tie'' is a famous practice of horror in which the person is slaughtered and the tongue is thrown along the torso as if it were a tie. This kind of practices are used to be done to create panic and horror in the community as a tactic of war.